Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I've been wanting to start up one of these things for a while now, but never have. I'm the kind of person who likes to write blogs, but often doesn't publish them once they're written. As a result, pages of unread material lay unread in my hard drive. So I'm hoping now that I've opened a blogger account, I can publish things more often. I was "inspired" by my cousin's musings (thanks, Magoop!), figuring someone's bound to read about my thoughts.

Here's what to expect from this blog.

I appreciate the simpler things in life, so expect to read about things that might not matter very much. For example, I really like reward campaigns that promise customers free things, "You buy ten _______, you get one free." That makes me very happy; as if my individual purchases matter in the long run. I purposely patronize businesses that offers these programs, so I can get free things (even if it means buying ten burritos in order to get an eleventh one free!). It's my right as a customer.

Usually, when I'm in a blogging mood, I always write dryly or even (albeit, not often) humorously.
I don't plan on revealing a lot of personal information, because my line of thinking is that if you're reading this, you must know me. I kind of thought about using pseudonyms when referring to others, so we'll see if I do. I even thought of using the names of characters from literature, just to spice things up. So if a name sounds outrageous, it's probably fictitious.

I'm looking forward to blogging my life away. Here goes...


Natalie Kale said...

Oh friend, I eagerly look forward to being privy to your profound thoughts on consumer reward campaigns and other deeply deeply philo

Dan Barbour said...

hey man, have fun blogging! never make a serious post after 10PM - things I learned the hard way, haha! Peace.