Thursday, August 21, 2008

Text Response PSA

You know what makes me melancholic? When people don't text message me back in a timely manner. I understand that people sometimes get busy with their day and forget about that little envelope icon in the corner of their phones. Sure, it's all good. The sad thought is that my recipients might not even really like me. Nonetheless, when I'm sitting, bored in class or meetings, I want to strike up a conversation with someone funny. Most of my friends and I have inside jokes and such, of which I want to remind them. Or, I have a seemingly urgent (not urgent enough to actually call the person, mind you) message that I'd like a speedy response. This is not to point fingers at anyone (may your conscience be your guide if this is you), but please respond to text messages ASAP, for your sender's sanity and psychological health.

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