There's nothing I like more than finding out about people who face their fears and do uncomfortable things in order to benefit their personality. Let me explain. In the third season of The Office, Pam the receptionist, after walking barefooted across some coals, tells the rest of the office about how she is tired of being treated poorly. Even though this is a fictional character, I really felt happy for her for standing up for herself. David's defeat of Goliath is a prime example of stepping out of comfort in order to gain victory. Even though these moments are awkward and may not turn out favorably, do them anyway (what if David could not kill Goliath -- would he be any less of a hero?).
Stand up to that boss who speaks condescendingly to you. Tell her you are a human being just like her, worthy of respect. You may get fired, but you stood up for yourself. Or tell that girl your true feelings. You may get rejected, but at least you know not to waste your time pining anymore. More so, tell the bully to back off. You may get punched or ridiculed. But it's OK, your dignity depended on your action. That's life, as the old song goes.
No matter what the outcome of your bravery, you will hopefully feel on top of the world. You did what you feared. You conquered. When I posted that blog about my disorder, I had no regrets. People may judge me, but I don't care. I stood up to my own doubts for my own benefit and, hopefully, the benefit of others. That BDD hides grows itself in isolation, but tell others about my struggle shatters its control over me. What are fears that they can stop you from reaching your potential? Nothing; mere speed bumps in an empty parking lot. They're there, but go around them. Drive fast.
6 years ago
Bravo! Bravo! Preach it brotha!
I know that the speed bump analogy is used alot but in this context and the way you use it I think really captures it's essence.
cast all you cares upon him, for he cares for you.
I too care for you.! lol I love you david...who is your golieth?
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